Using Fine Art Collectors’ purchasing & selling trends at public auctions
to Better Understand the Fine Art Market

Focusing on public auction sales results over the last fourteen years at the top auction houses, Pi-eX offers detailed and insightful analytical reports and Indices that enable fine art collectors better to understand the specific dynamics of the fine art market. 

Pi-eX 's Research provides art stakeholders and investors with a reliable historical benchmark and up to date reading of the market, allowing them to gauge public auction market movements in real time.

  1. Pi-eX 's INDICES:

    Pi-eX 's Auction Market Index (Pi-eX AMI):

    • What is the Pi-eX Auction Market Index (Pi-eX AMI)?
    • The Pi-eX Auction Market Index (also known as the Pi-eX AMI) is an auction market tracker, based on the worldwide public auction sales at the 3 leading auctions houses: Christie’s, Sotheby’s and Phillips. The Pi-eX AMI covers auction sales since January 2007 and is updated monthly. The index was designed to serve as a proxy for the health of the auction business and the broader art market. It provides art stakeholders and investors with a reliable historical benchmark and up to date reading of the market, allowing them to gauge public auction market movements in real time.

    • What is the methodology behind the Pi-eX AMI?
      • The Pi-eX AMI is composed of the sum of all public auctions (in US$) arranged worldwide by the three leading auction houses over a period of 12 months including the month when the index is published as well as the eleven preceding months. This 12-month rolling period is based on the traditional repeating auction calendar that the auction houses have been following over the past 14 years.

      • Auction results included in the Pi-eX AMI are published by each auction house on the days following the closing of a sale. They represent the sum of the final prices of all lots sold by the auction house during the particular sale.

      • The Pi-eX AMI combines auction results including Buyer’s premium. Buyer’s Premiums are fees charged to the buyers in addition to the Hammer Prices achieved at the sale.

      • All auction results are converted into US$ using the Bank of England daily spot rate of the day the auction is arranged (for live auctions) or closing (for online auctions). If that day is a holiday, the following day(s) is used.

    • What is the value of the Pi-eX AMI?
    • The Pi-eX AMI helps art market stakeholders and investors to understand better movement and trends in the art and auction markets. Based on exhaustive, comparable, and transparent data as well as a clear methodology, the Pi-eX AMI allows to visually map and sort a great amount of information, providing an immediate up to date broad picture of the art market.

  2. Pi-eX 's REPORTS:
  3. With a unique approach focused on analysing the behavioural trends of art buyers and sellers, Pi-eX 's reports can bring to light key information, which can be critical when purchasing and/or selling fine art.

    The foundation of Pi-eX 's research is based on three key principals:

    • Systematic criteria that can be used to specify the type of report required
    • Standardised graphs that reflect, clearly and simply, the dynamics of the fine art market: Liquidity, Performance, Volatility
    • A Pi-eX proprietary database of auction sales from 2007 to the present day, which ensures clean and reliable data.

Pi-eX's STANDARD REPORTS come in two different formats:


Pi-eX 's AUCTION REPORTS provide a comprehensive view of auction market MACRO trends via a "top down" picture of all public auction sales at CHRISTIE's, SOTHEBY'S and PHILLIPS.

Using standardised data and graphs, Pi-eX's AUCTION REPORTS allow readers better to understand trends and divergences in the auction market on a monthly, quarterly, semi annual or annual basis.

Pi-eX 's FINE ART REPORTS and ARTISTS REPORTS provide a detailed view of particular auctions or artists via a "bottom up" picture of lots consigned to auction at CHRISTIE's, SOTHEBY'S and PHILLIPS.

Using standardised data and graphs, Pi-eX 's FINE ART REPORTS and ARTISTS REPORTS give readers a sense of liquidity, performance and volatility.

Pi-eX's FILTER REPORTS apply a range of filters to each report


Pi-eX 's AUCTION FILTER REPORTS screen results by Auction House (Christie's, Sotheby's and Phillips), by auction type (Fine Art, Jewellery & Watches, Decorative, Private Collections), by auction time (Day or Evening Sale) or by auction location (US, UK, China, France, Switzerland, or Rest of the World).

Using standardised data and graphs, Pi-eX 's AUCTION FILTER REPORTS allow readers to identify key trend drivers in the auction market

Pi-eX 's FINE ART FILTER REPORTS AND ARTISTS FILTER REPORTS screen results by Auction House (Christie's, Sotheby's and Phillips), by price category (Less than $500K, etc.), by lot guarantee status (Not Guaranteed, Auction House Guarantee, Irrevocable Bid) or by location (New York, London, Hong Kong, Paris, etc).

Using standardised data and graphs, Pi-eX 's MICRO FILTER REPORTS allow readers to identify key trend drivers at a particular auction or for the works of a particular artist.

Pi-eX's TAILORED reports are built around specific filters:


Pi-eX 's MACRO TAILORED REPORTS provide a comparison of auction results based on a particular filter.

Using standardised data and graphs, Pi-eX 's MACRO TAILORED REPORTS allow readers to identify the key historic performance drivers of the auction market.

Pi-eX 's MICRO TAILORED REPORTS illustrate trends for either a particular artist or at a specific auction.

Using standardised data and graphs, Pi-eX 's MICRO TAILORED REPORTS allow readers to identify the key historic performance drivers at either a type of auction or for a particular artist.

Pi-eX 's standard and colourfull graphs provide clear comparisons across different filter categories and reports. Standardisation of the data, criteria and graphs allows the easy comprehension and identification of market trends.

Please contact us at for further information on Pi-eX 's reports.

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