1. "Salvatore Mundi", Leonardo de Vinci
Estimate on Request (EOR): $100m
Hammer Price (HP): $400m
HP-EOR: $300m
Christie's Contemporary, New York |
3. "La Muse Endormie", Constantin Brancusi
Low Estimate (LE): $25m
Hammer Price (HP): $51m
HP-LE: $26m
Christie's Impressionist evening sale, New York |
5. "Les Amoureux", Marc Chagall
Low Estimate (LE): $12m
Hammer Price (HP): $25m
HP-LE: $13m
Sotheby's Impressionist evening sale, New York |
7. "Leda and the Swan" by Cy Twombly
Low Estimate (LE): $35m
Hammer Price (HP): $47m
HP-LE: $12m
Christie's Contemporary evening sale, New York |
9. "Le Moissonneur", Vincent van Gogh
Low Estimate (LE): £12.5
Hammer Price (HP): £21.5m
HP-LE: £9m
Christie's Impressionist evening sale, London |
2. "Untitled", Jean-Michel Basquiat
Estimate on Request (EOR) $60m
Hammer Price (HP): $98m
HP-EOR: $38m
Sotheby's Contemporary evening sale, New York |
4. "Laboureur dans un Champ", Vincent van Gogh
Estimate on Request (EOR) $50m
Hammer Price (HP): $72m
HP-EOR: $22m
Christie's Impressionist evening sale, New York |
6. "Femme Accroupie (Jacqueline)", Pablo Picasso
Low Estimate (LE): $20m
Hammer Price (HP): $32.5m
HP-EOR: $12.5m
Christie's Impressionist evening sale, New York |
8. "Female Head", Roy Lichtenstein
Low Estimate (LE): $10m
Hammer Price (HP): $21.5m
HP-EOR: $11.5m
Sotheby's Contemporary evening sale, New York |
10. "Last Supper", Andy Warhol
Low Estimate (LE): $6m
Hammer Price (HP): $16.5m
HP-EOR: $10.5m
Christie's Contemporary evening sale, New York |